PhDr. Miroslav Nožina, Ph.D.

Senior Researcher, Institute of International Relations Prague

phone +420 251 108 309

More information



1991 - present: Seinor Research Fellow, IIR Prague
1991 - 1992: Journalist. Activities in Western Europe, former Soviet Union, Asia and the USA
1987 - 1990: Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Science, Prague (post-graduate student and researcher)
1986 - 1987: Regional Museum Olomouc

Teaching Experience

University Teaching

  • Anthropology of Criminality/Cultural Criminology (Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University Prague)
  • Ethnology of Mainland Southeast Asia (Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University, Prague)
  • History, Ethnic and Social Problems of Mainland Southeast Asia (Asian Studies and International Relations, Metropolitan University Prague)

Lectures for Specialists

  • Ethnic and Social Problems of Mainland Southeast Asia
  • Geopolitics of Drugs
  • Drug and Criminal Sub-Cultures
  • International Organised Crime


2016: associate professor (doc.) Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague (cultural and social anthropology),
2008: Ph.D., Faculty of Philosophy , Charles University, Prague  (ethnology),
1987 - 1990: Oriental Institute CAS, Prague (post-graduate studies),
1987: PhDr. (Doctor of Philosophy) Faculty of Philosophy , T.G. Masaryk University, Brno (ethnology),
1981 - 1985: T.G. Masaryk University, Brno,  Faculty of Philosophy (ethnology)


1996: USA, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia,
1992: USA, United States Information Agency – Voice of America, Washington – Miami,
1989: Soviet Union, Institut Vostokovedenija (Institute of Oriental Studies), Moscow.

 Field Research

2016: Australia (research, project Global Prohibition Regimes: Theoretical Refinement and Empirical Analysis)
2015: Thailand, Laos (research, project Global Prohibition Regimes: Theoretical Refinement and Empirical Analysis)
2015: Portugal (research stay, European Monitorig Centre for Drugs and Drug Abuse, project Global Prohibition Regimes: Theoretical Refinement and Empirical Analysis)
2011: Thailand, Myanmar/Burma, (research, project New Strategic Approach of the United States towards Burma. Implications for the European Union and the Czech Republic)
2010: Poland, Germany, Great Britain, France (research, project Organised Crime in Vietnamese Diasporas. The Czech Republic Case)
2009: Vietnam, Laos, (research, project Organised Crime in Vietnamese Diasporas. The Czech Republic Case; project Mountain Ethnic Groups and the State in Laos),
2009: Myanmar/Burma, Thailand, Laos (research, project National Research Programme I-II; project Mountain Ethnic Groups and the State in Laos),
2007: Switzerland (research, project Drug Abuse in the Czech Lands in the Times of Austrian Hungarian Empire and the Pre-War Czechoslovakia)
2006: U.S.A. (research, project Drug Abuse in the Czech Lands in the Times of Austrian Hungarian Empire and the Pre-War Czechoslovakia),
2006: France (research, Analyse of the Czech Sources on the Modern History of Cambodia, With Emphasis on the Period of the Khmer Rouge),
2004: Thailand, Laos (research,  project Czech-Thai Partnership. History of Co-operation and Mutual Relations; project Mountain Ethnic Groups and the State in Laos),
2002: Tunisia, Israel, Great Britain (project International Terrorism as the Factor of International Relations and Results for the Czech Foreign Policy),
2001: Egypt (research, project Migration Movement from the Arab World: Reasons, Consequences, and Perspectives),
1999: Cambodia, Laos, Thailand (research for Observatoire géopolitique des drogues, Paris),1996: Nigeria,France (research stays, Centre for Democratic Development Research and Training (Zaria) / Observatoire géopolitique des drogues, Paris),
1996: Peru,Bolivia (research for Observatoire géopolitique des drogues, Paris),
1994: post-Soviet Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan Tadjikistan / research for Observatoire géopolitique des drogues, Paris), 
1993: Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos (research for Observatoire géopolitique des drogues, Paris), 
1992: Malaysia and Borneo (research for Observatoire géopolitique des drogues, Paris), 
1990-1991 China, Laos, Thailand, India, Nepal  (study trip supported by the Oriental Institute CAS, Prague).

 European Union – Election Observation Missions (EU-EOM)

2008: Cambodia,
2005–2006: Haiti,
2005: Ethiopia.

 Film Expeditions

2009: Indonesia /Sumatra (Czech TV),
2003: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi (Cestomania / Czech TV),
2001: Indonesia / Java, Kalimantan (Czech TV),
1999: Cambodia, Laos, Thailand (Czech TV).

 Areas of Interest

  • political anthropology and anthropology of criminality / cultural criminology
  • drug issues
  • ethnic issues, history, actual trends in  Mainland Southeast Asia
  • development projects in Mainland Southeast Asia


  • 2016 – present: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, Geneva, Switzerland
  • 2001 – present: Observatoire du Crime Organisé (OCO), Geneva, Switzerland
  • 2005 – present: European Union – Election Observation Missions (EU-EOM)
  • 2000 – 2013: Association d'Etudes Géopolitiques des Drogues (AEGD), Nantes, France
  • 2002 – 2010: Observatoire Géopolitique de la Criminalité Internationale (OGCI), Liége,  Switzerland
  • 2007 – 2010: Czech - Pacific Centre o.p.s., Prague, Czech Republic
  • 1995 – 2008: Czech United Nations Association, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 1991 – 2000: Observatoire Géopolitique des Drogues (OGD), Paris, France

 Editorial Boards

  • Drugs and Forensics Bulletin



Popularizing Books

  • (2006): Koza, která žere hady. Výpravy za původními obyvateli džunglí Kambodže a Kalimantanu (The Goat Eating Snakes. Expeditions to the Aborigines in the Jungles of Cambodia and Kalimantan). Brno: Jota.
  • (2001): Cesty za opiem (The Opium Trail). Praha, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny.
  • (1999): Kambodžský poutník (Cambodian Pilgrim). Praha: Livingstone.

Chapters in Books (selected):

  • (2011): Vietnamské kriminální sítě v České republice (Vietnamese Crime Networks in the Czech Republic). In: Střítecký, Vít a kol. Česká zahraniční politika: mezi politickým (ne)zájmem a byrokratickou efektivitou. Praha: Ústav mezinárodních vztahů, 70–81.
  • (2011): International organised crime in the V4 states. The Czech Republic Case. In: Rekawek, Kacper (ed.). Non-military aspects of security in V4 countries – prospects for future co-operation. V4 Papers, no. 3. Warsaw: PISM, 60–67.
  • (2010): Opoziční potenciál etnických menšin v Barmě a transformační strategie  (Opposition Potential of Ethnic Minorities in Burma and Transformation Strategy). In: Drulák, Petr – Horký, Ondřej a kol: Hledání českých zájmů. Obchod, lidská práva a mezinárodní rozvoj. Praha: Ústav mezinárodních vztahů, 145–165.
  • (2010): Potírání kriminality ve vietnamské diaspoře (Elimination of Crime in the Vietnamese Diaspora).  In: Petr Drulák, Vít Střítecký a kol. Hledání českých zájmů. Mezinárodní bezpečnost. Praha: Ústav mezinárodních vztahů, 51-170.
  • (2004): The Czech Republic: A Crossroads for Organised Crime. In:  Fijnaut, Cyrille – Paoli, Letizia (eds.): Organised Crime in Europe. Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in the European Union and Beyond, 435-466. Dodrecht (Netherlands): Springer.
  • (2004): Organized Crime in the New EU States of East Central Europe. In: Henderson Karen (ed.): The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the Enlarged Europe, 25–47. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • (2003): Crossroads of Crime: The Czech Republic Case. In: Viano,  Emiliano C. – Magallanes, Jose – Bridel, Laurent (eds.): Transnational Organized Crime: Myth, Power and Profit, 147-156. Durnham - North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press.
  • (2003): République Tcheque. In: Labrousse, Alain (ed.): Dictionnaire Géopolitique des Drogues. La drogue dans 134 pays. Productions, trafics, conflits, usages, 550-554. Bruxelles: de Boeck a.Lacier.
  • (1999): Das Netzwerk des internationalen organisierten Verbrachtens in der Tschechischen Republik. In: Meier-Walser, R. C. – Hirscher, G. – Lange, K. – Palumbo, E. (eds.). Organisierte Kriminalität. Bestandsaufnahme, Transnationale Dimension, Wege der Bekämpfung. München: Hanns Seidel Stiftung 1999, 220-243
  • (1998): Quel est le role des réseaux subsahariens dans le trafic international des stupéfiants?. In: Les drogues en Afrique subsaharienne, 167-174 (chapter III/3). Paris: Éditions KARTHALA.
  • (1998): Globalizace kriminálních aktivit a mezinárodní bezpečnost. In: Sborník příspěvků ze 4. mezinárodního kolokvia Koncipování budoucnosti v Evropě ´97, 16.-20. června 1997 v Praze, 79-83. Praha: Občanská futurologická společnost.
  • (1999): Crossroads of Drug Crime The Czech Republic Case. In.: Proceedings from the conference: Crime organisé international: Mythe, pouvoir, profit..., 6-8, l´Université de Lausanne, 10/1999.
  • (2000): Géopolitique des drogues 1999/2000. Paris: OGD.
  • (1998): Diaspora et reseaux vietnamiens de trafic de drogues en Europe. Observatoire géopolitique des drogues. Paris: April 1998.
  • (1998): Géopolitique des drogues 1997/98. Paris: OGD.
  • (1997): Atlas mondial des drogues. Paris: OGD..
  • (1997): Géopolitique des drogues. Rapport annuel de l´OGD, Paris: OGD.
  • (1996): Géopolitique des drogues. Rapport annuel de l´OGD, Paris: OGD.
  • (1995): Géopolitique des drogues. Rapport annuel de l´OGD, Paris: Éditions la découverte.
  • (1996): Eastern Europe: 'New' Phenomenon in the International Illicit Drug Trafficking Network. In: International Seminar on the South in the Global Political Economy of Illicit Drugs. Zaria, Nigeria: CEDDERT.


Scholarly Aticles (selected)

  • (2020): Příčiny humanitární krize myanmarských Rohingů. Mezinárodní politika, 12/2020.
  • (2020): The Czech Rhino Connection: a Case Study of Vietnamese Wildlife Trafficking Networks’ Operations Across Central Europe. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. Published online: 20 June 2020.
  • (2019): The Fate and Future of the Wildlife Trade Regulatory Regimes: The Case of CITES and Rhino Horn Trafficking. In HYNEK Nik, DITRYCH Ondřej, STŘÍTECKÝ Vít (eds). Regulating Global Security. Insights from Conventional and Unconventional Regimes. Palgrave. 2019. ISBN 978-3-319-98599-2. s. 245-269.
  • (2018): Geneze drogových krizí. Případ „Hiroponového věku v Japonsku“. Drugs and Forensics Bulletin, 4/2018, s. 32-37.
  • Nožina, Miroslav Kraus, Filip (2016): Bosses, Soldiers and Rice Grains. Vietnamese Criminal Networks and Criminal Activities in the Czech Republic. Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 68, No. 3, 508–28.
  • (2015): Myanmar – podoby etnického konfliktu. Mezinárodní politika, 4/2015.
  • (2014): Metamfetamin. Dobytí Asie (Methamphetamine. The Conquest of Asia). Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály Policie ČR, 3/2014.
  • (2013): Vietnamese Crime Structures and Criminal Activities in the Czech Republic. European Police Science and Research Bulletin,No. 8, Summer 2013.
  • (2013): Barma: Na cestě k "asijské demokracii" (Burma. On the Road to 'Asian Democracy'). Mezinárodní vztahy, Vol. 48, No. 2/2013, 72-90. 
  • Nožina, Miroslav – Kučera, K (2011): Operace X. Počátky heroinového boomu. Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály, 3/2011, 50-55.
  • (2010): Crime Networks in Vietnamese Diasporas. The Czech Republic Case. Crime, Law, and Social Change, No. 53, 229-258.
  • (2010): Nelegální výroba a obchod s drogami ve vietnamské komunitě v ČR (Illegal Production and trafficking in Drugs in the Vietnamese Community in the CR). Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály, 4/2010, 9-16.
  • (2008): Strýčkové, žoldáci a pouliční prodavači. Struktura a modus operandi vietnamského organizovaného zločinu v České republice  I-II (Uncles, Soldiers and Street Dealers. Structure and Modus Operandi of the Vietnamese Organised Crime in the Czech Republic. I-II). Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály, 2/2008, 43-51; 3/2008, 29-35.
  • Nožina, Miroslav – Vaněček, Miloš (2007): Kokainová subkultura v letech 1918 – 1938 (Cocaine Sub-Culture in 1918 – 1938). Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály, 4/2007, s. 39-42.
  • Nožina, Miroslav – Vaněček, Miloš (2007): Kokainové sítě ve východní a střední Evropě. Případ České republiky (Cocaine Networks in Eastern and Central Europe). Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály, 4/2007, 12-35.
  • Nožina, Miroslav – Šitler, J. – Kučera, K. (2007): Kambodžské království a Česká republika. Nástin bilaterálních vztahů (Kingdom of Cambodia and the Czech Republic. Outline of Bilateral Relations). Mezinárodní vztahy. No. 1/2007, Vol. 42, 86-108.
  • Šitler, Jiří. – Fajfrová, Jana - Nožina, Miroslav (2005): Thajské království a Česká republika – předivo bilaterálních vztahů (The Kingdom of Thailand and the Czech Republic: ANetwork of Bilateral Relations). Mezinárodní vztahy. 3/2005, 63-80.
  • (2004): Organizovaný zločin v postkomunistických zemích střední Evropy. Podobné problémy při budování bezpečnosti, podobné závazky po vstupu do EU (Organised Crime in States of the Post-Communist Central Europe Similar Problems Security Building, Similar Duties after Joining the EU). Mezinárodní vztahy, 4/2004, 61-75.
  • (2002): Islámský terorismus v jihovýchodní Asii (Islamic Terrorism in Southeast Asia) Mezinárodní politika, 11/2002, 23-24.
  • (2002): Organizovaný zločin ze Středního východu a Česká republika (Organised Crime from Middle East and the Czech Republic). Mezinárodní vztahy, 3/2002, 64-83.
  • (2001): Globální zločin v malých zemích – případ České republiky (Global Crime in Small Countries. The Czech Republic Case). Medzinárodné otázky. Vol. X/2001, No. 2., 6-28. Bratislava: Slovenský inštitút medzinárodných štúdií.
  • (2000/2001): Vietnamese Organized Crime. The Czech Republic Case. Perspectives. No. 15 (Winter 2000/2001), 16-30.
  • (2000): Japonský organizovaný zločin (Japanese Organised Crime). Mezinárodní politika, 10/2000, 17-18.
  • (2000): Čínský organizovaný zločin (Chinese Organised Crime). Mezinárodní politika, 9/2000, 26-27.
  • (2000): Italský organizovaný zločin (Italian Organised Crime). Mezinárodní politika, 8/2000, 24-25.
  • (2000): Mexické drogové sítě a Evropa (Mexican Drug Networks and Europe). Mezinárodní politika, 7/2000, 28-30.
  • (2000): Kolumbijské drogové kartely (Colombian Drug Cartels). Mezinárodní politika, 6/2000, 30-32.
  • (2000): Arabský organizovaný zločin (Arab Organised Crime). Mezinárodní politika, 5/2000, 33-34.
  • (2000): Albánský organizovaný zločin (Albanian Organised Crime). Mezinárodní politika, 4/2000, 35-37.
  • (2000): Indočína na cestě reforem (Indochina on the Road of Reforms). Mezinárodní politika. 4/2000, 28-30.
  • (2000): Subsaharské zločinecké organizace (Sub-Saharan Criminal Organisations). Mezinárodní politika, 3/2000, 29-31.
  • (2000): Postsovětský organizovaný zločin (Post-Soviet Organised Crime). Mezinárodní politika, 2/2000, 23-25.
  • (2000): Vietnamský organizovaný zločin (Vietnamese Organised Crime). Mezinárodní politika, 1/2000, 32-34.
  • (1999): Česká republika na křižovatkách mezinárodního zločinu (Czech Republic on the Crossroads of Organised Crime). Mezinárodní politika, 3/1999, 4-7.
  • (1994): Drogový problém v jihovýchodní Asii a postkomunistická Evropa (The Drug Issue in Southeast Asia and Post-Communist Europe). Mezinárodní vztahy, 2/1994, 80-92.
  • (1993): (2002): Vietnamese Organised Crime. Observatoire géopolitique de la criminalité Internationale, 3/2002. Liege.
  • (2001): République Tchéque: du tout répressif… au tout prévention. Trafic international, No 4, 3-4. Paris: 5/2001.
  • (1999): Arabské drogové sítě (Arab Drug Networks). Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály Policie ČR, 4/1999.
  • (1999): Drogy v jihovýchodní Asii a střední Evropa (Drugs in Southeast Asia and Central Europe). Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály Policie ČR, 3/1999, 25-32.
  • (1998): Subsaharské drogové organizace (Sub-Saharan Drug Organisations). Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály Policie ČR, 20-25. 4/1998.
  • (1998): Operation Channel. The Geopolitical Drug Dispatch, p.8. No. 83, 9/1998.
  • (1998): Nizozemská drogová politika. Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály Policie ČR, 2/1998, 21-26
  • (1998) Russia: The Nigerian Networks in Moscow. The Geopolitical Drug Dispatch, 5-6. No. 78, 4/1998.
  • (1996): Czech Republic: Heroin Bursts into the Market. The Geopolitical Drug Dispatch, p. 6. No. 53, 3/1996.
  • (1997): Slovakia-Czech Republic: The New Joint Ventures of the Drug Business. The Geopolitical Drug Dispatch, No. 73, 11/1997, p. 4-5.
  • (1996): Slovakia/Czech Republic. Powder for Fissile Material. The Geopolitical Drug Dispatch. No. 61, 11/1996.
  • (1989): Zlatý trojúhelník - Počátek 'rajské stezky (Golden Triangle. The Beginning of the 'Paradise Trail“). Nový Orient, 1/1989, 19-22; 2/1989, 45-47.

 Columns and Media Appearances

  • Plus approximately 200 articles published in journals and daily newspapers (political anthropology, traditional drug cultures and drug issues, international crime, terrorism, political and social development in Asia, USA and the former Soviet Union countries).

 Film Documents

Tsunami po vlně zájmu [Tsunami after the Wawe of Interest] (2009),
Borobudur, Czech TV (2001), Bulungan, Czech TV (2001),.
Kambodžský poutník [Cambodian Pilgrim], Czech TV (1999),
Opustit Angkor [To Leave Angkor], Czech TV (1999),
Expedice Rattanakiri [Expedition Rattanakiri], Czech TV (1999),
Hmongové [The Hmongs], KF Prague (1994).


2007: The Prize of Egon Erwin Kish – the best book of the year,
2006: Medal of Honor of the National Anti-Drug Headquarters, Police of the Czech Republic,
2002: Travel Book of the Year. GO Brno,
1990 Golden Plaque of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences for Scientific Research.

 Research Projects 


  • 2009 - 2010: "Organised Crime in Vietnamese Diasporas. The Czech Republic Case". GA ČR (407/09/1291).
  • 2007 – 2010: „History of Laos.“ Institute of International Relations, Prague.  
  • 2006 - 2007: "Drug Abuse in the Czech Lands in the Times of Austrian Hungarian Empire and the Pre-War Czechoslovakia". Grant Agency CR (409/06/1453).
  • 2006: "Analyse of the Czech Sources on the Modern History of Cambodia, With Emphasis on the Period of the Khmer Rouge)". Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic (RM 01/10/06),
  • 2005 - 2007: " History of Cambodia". Institute of International Relations, Prague.  
  • 2004 - 2005: "Czech-Thai Partnership. History of Co-operation and Mutual relations". Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic (RM 01/09/04).
  • 2002 – 2003: "International Terrorism as the Factor of International Relations and Results for the Czech foreign Policy", Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic (RB 14/4/02). 
  • 1999 – 2001: "International Organized Crime in the Czech Rrepublic." Research Support Scheme of the Open Society Support Foundation (RSS No.: 84/1999).
  • 1993 – 1996: "Czech Republic in the World of Drugs". Research Support Scheme of the Open Society Support Foundation (RSS No.: 123/93).  

Participation in other research projects:

  • 2015: "Time for Action. Rhino horns trafficking networks." George Madson University, Virginia (USA), grant: Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement of the U. S. Department of State. 
  • 2013 - 2016: "Global Prohibition Regimes: Theoretical Refinement and Empirical Analysis." Grant Agency CR (13-26485 S / P408).  
  • 2012 - 2014: "The Cooperation Network for Research of the Non-European Areas RESAREAS."  European Social Fund a the Government of the CR (CZ 1.07/2.4.00/31.0027).
  • 2012 – now.: "Encyklopedia Beliana." Encyclopaedic Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava.
  • 2011: "New Strategic Approach of the United States towards Burma. Implications for the European Union and the Czech Republic." IIR/AMO,  grant: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic.
  • 2010: "Relief." Police Presidium of the Czech Republic – The Czech Anti-Drug Headquarters, grant: Swiss-Czech Cooperation Programme.
  • 2008 – 2009: "National Research Programme I-II." IIR, grant: Ministry of Education CR.
  • 2006 – 2007: "Colombian Cocaine Networks in the European Union: A Research on their capabilities and functioning in the most important entry points for cocaine in Europe." Universidad Autónoma de Madrid grant: EC-AGIS Programme (OND1312885).
  • 2005: "Collective Expertise on Terrorism in Europe: Cross-Fertilising Scholarly and Intelligence and Law-Enforcement Approaches". L' institut national des hautes études de la sécurité et de la justice, Paris, grant: EC-AGIS Programme.
  • 2003 – 2004: "Organized Crime in Europe: Conceptions, Patterns and Policies in the European Union and Beyond". Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law. Tillburg University, Germany, grant: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung.
  • 2003 – 2004: "Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic". IIR, grant: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic.
  • 2002 – 2003: "Reform Era in the PRC ad its Impact on the Czech-China Relations.“ IIR, grant: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic, (RB 26/8/01).
  • 2001 – 2002: "Migration Movement from the Arab World: Reasons, Consequences, and Perspectives." IIR, grant: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic (RB20/9/01).
  • 1999 – 2002: "Towards a New European Governance of Internal Security": Challenges, Objectives and Structures." Dept. of Politics, University of Leicester, Great Britain, grant: Economic and Social Research Council´s "One Europe or Several? " Research Programme (L213252011). 
  • 1999 – 2000: "Priorities of the Czech Develpment Aid." IIR, grant: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic.
  • 1999 – 2000: "A Pan- European Security Community" - Part I "Securitisation in Central and Eastern Europe;  Part II Organised Crime and Distortions of the Social Contract. "Centre for European Security Studies, Groningen, grant: Programme on European Security (PROGRES).
  • 1998 – 1999: "Organisierte Kriminalität. Bestandsaufnahme, Transnationale Dimension, Wege der Bekämpfung." Akademie für Politik und Zeitgeschehen, München, grant:Hanns Seidel Stiftung, Germany.
  • 1997 – 1999: "The Situation of Drugs in Sub - Saharan Africa: Production, Trafficking, Consumption." Observatoire géopolitique des drogues, Paříž, grant: UNESCO (MOST).
  • 1997 – 1998: "Diasporas et réseaux vietnamiens de trafic de drogues en Europe." Observatoire géopolitique des drogues, Paris, grant: Ministère de l'Intérieur, France.
  • 1995 – 1997: "Atlas mondial des drogues. " Observatoire géopolitique des drogues, Paříž, grant: La Commission des Communautés Européenes (DG-B2) - La Fondation de France.
  • 1995 – 1996:  "Actual Development in the Asia – Pacific Area." IIR, Prague.
  • 1992 – 2000: „Géopolitique des drogues. “ Rapport annuel de l´Observatoire géopolitique des drogues, Paris.   

 Selected lectures

  • Obchod s vzácnými přírodninami a ohroženými druhy. Diplomatická akademie MZV ČR, 15. 12. 2020, 14-16 hod.
  • Exil, Beseda s Miroslavem Nožinou. Jeden svět, 10. 3. 2017.
  • Politics of Change in Myanmar after the 2015 Elections.  MUP Praha , 10. 5. 2016.
  • Asie, země paradoxů. Rada pro mezinárodní vztahy. Evropský dům, 3. 5. 2016.
  • Drogová geopolitika a drogové subkultury. Vysoká škola ekonomická, 6. 5. 2015.

