
07.04.2021 | Daniel Šitera
Exploring neoliberal resilience
Why is neoliberalism still ruling the Czech economic thinking and economic policies, while it has been challenged in Poland, Hungary, and other states after the global economic crisis?
Diversification rationality against securitization?
Diversification rationality against securitization? This question was discussed by Czech experts Zbyněk Dubský, Lukáš Tichý, and Daniel Pavliňák in their latest article. The paper identifies economic and political criteria for comparing the gas pipeline project options and creates a methodological framework via an index for evaluation and comparison of the individual projects. Is there a possibility of new routes for gas supply to the EU? Will the infrastructure change?
Speaking of Hybrid Warfare
What do we speak of when we speak of ‘hybrid warfare’, a term that has become prominent in discussions of Czech and European security? Our researchers Jan Daniel and Jakub Eberle show in their new article in the Cooperation and Conflict journal that this question is difficult to answer, as the discourse of hybrid warfare is not only vague, but also consists of multiple, and at times contradictory, stories.
12.03.2021 | Alica Kizeková
Workshop China in Central Europe: Threat Perceptions, Influence, and Interference
This workshop is led by our researcher Alica Kizeková and the contributors will discuss the impact that BRI has had, willingly or not, on democratization or autocratization processes in the countries and societies that it invested in, ranging from Europe to the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia.
04.03.2021 |
Political science in Central and Eastern Europe
Has Czech political science succeeded in integrating itself into the European field? A scientific article co-authored by Jakub Eberle argues that Czech and Central European scholars have so far not managed to close the gap separating them from Western Europe.
22.02.2021 |
Kulturní diplomacie není periferií zahraniční politiky. Přináší jí náboj i emoce.
Záznam debaty k podcastu Jazzman vs. špioni si zájemci mohou poslechnout také na sociálních sítích. Ve středu 17. února proběhla veřejná debata k podcastu Jazzman vs. špioni. Debata se zaměřila na roli kultury a vědy v image České republiky, dotkla se předsednictví ČR v EU, programových priorit pro českou kulturní diplomacii včetně lidských práv a udržitelného rozvoje, i dopadu pandemie na tuto oblast.  Exkluzivními hosty únorového setkání byl Tomáš Petříček, ministr zahraničních věcí ČR, autorka podcastu Jitka Pánek Jurková, ředitelka Českého centra Brusel, Eliška Tomalová, vedoucí Katedry evropských studií IMS FSV UK, a politolog Petr Drulák z Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů.
19.02.2021 |
Protester-Police Fraternization in the 2013 Gezi Park Uprisings
The number of anti-regime protests is significantly rising across the globe. Social media is often filled with videos and images showing police brutality targeting demonstrators. Oftentimes, the governments send their police forces to the ground to stop the protests. With the digitalization of these encounters, our study shows that the micro-dynamics of protestor-police interactions are often of a more complex nature than what is presented in the media or social media.
28.01.2021 | Asya Metodieva
The Radical Milieu and Radical Influencers of Bosnian Foreign Fighters
This research note, authored by the IIR researcher Asya Metodieva, looks at the radical influencers of Bosnian foreign fighters. This group is important, as the Balkan region has been seen as a spot of jihadist activism and recruitment for the IS and Al-Nusra Front.
25.01.2021 |
A Workshop on Academic Publishing with the Czech Journal of International Relations Editorial Board Members
The Czech Journal of International Relations (CJIR) invites primarily PhD students to a workshop on academic writing and publishing. The workshop will allow PhD researchers to gain novel insights into how the review process in an academic journal works and what the expectations of journal editors are. They will also receive informal feedback on their drafts from the members of the CJIR Editorial Board (among others, Ioannis Armakolas, Oldřich Bureš, Vincenc Kopeček, Šárka Waisová, Tomáš Weiss, and Štěpánka Zemanová).
12.01.2021 |
Jazzman versus špioni
Umění a kultura jsou mocnou zbraní diplomacie, od jazzových turné Louise Armstronga po novou pobočku Louvru v Abu Dhabí. Svou roli hrají i v české zahraniční politice. Nový podcast „Jazzman versus špioni. Umění jako tajná zbraň mezinárodní politiky“ v sérii pěti dílů odhalí klíčové momenty, kdy kultura změnila mezinárodní vztahy. Pozve exkluzivní hosty, kteří okomentují, jak je tomu dnes. Od 12. ledna 2021 nás uslyšíte na všech podcastových platformách. Na projektu se podílela Česká centra, Institut mezinárodních studií Univerzity Karlovy a Ústav mezinárodních vztahů.

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