Prague Insecurity Conference

So many security conferences and we’re still so insecure,

Its time for fresh thinking on (in)security … 


For detailed information about the conference, pictures, interviews and video please visit


The Prague Insecurity Conference (PIC) is the new, critical counterpart to the established events in the European security calendar – such as the Munich Security Conference and Globsec. The PIC exists to challenge the ways we understand (in)security - and how pursue it in policy, practice and research.

There is fresh critical thinking and valuable knowledge on (in)security in academia but too often it doesn't get to policymakers and security practitioners; and too often academics and journalists don't understand the challenges that security policymakers and practitioners face. The PIC exists to change this situation by facilitating constructive, critical exchange between these groups.

By bringing together cutting-edge academics with leading policymakers, influential practitioners and journalists - and pushing them out of their comfort zones - the PIC will challenge received wisdoms and the standard approaches that too often dominate security discussions. We have become too secure in the way that we approach security. Too often we end up self-defeatingly over-securitising issues and relationships. Too often we fall back on ideological or theoretical binaries. It’s time to change that by changing the discussions we have.

The PIC is an event for key influencers and thinkers rather than the general public or for students. It’s the new place to come for fresh thinking on security and for the networking that generates better action. The PIC is thus an innovative and critical, yet complementary, counterpart to the Munich Security Conference.

Format: Rather than lengthy, academic type presentations, the PIC will consist of shorter, punchier presentations and discussions such as ‘hardtalk’ one-on-one style interviews or roundtables between small groups of experts. These will be complemented by breakout workshops to discuss particular issues in small groups and informal networking and discussion sessions.

Themes: The PIC has four provisional main themes, which will have two sessions each (plus potential side-events) that are organised around sub-themes (below). Speakers will address the conference primarily on one theme but will contribute to others - as they overlap - and to encouraging fresh thinking beyond comfort zones.


  1. What Future (and what Present) for Diplomacy and International Institutions?
    • Making International institutions and international society fit for purpose in the 21st Century
    • ‘Quantum-Diplomacy’: Mediating Estrangement in the Interconnected, Social Media World
  2. Socio-Political (In)securities:
    • Resilience: Everyday (in)security, new frontline or basic social and urban policy?
    • Socio-economic insecurity and geopolitical change: It’s (not) the (neoliberal) globalisation, stupid!
  3. Beyond the Interregnum: New World (Dis)Orders and Post-Order Geopolitics?
    • Making Power Great Again? Geopolitics and Resurgent Great Powers
    • Making Progress Possible Again? A Post Modern Liberal International Order
  4. Post-Modern Warfare:
    • All against all? State and Non-state actors, what’s war, what’s not (and why it matters)
    • Understanding Contemporary Conflict Beyond Hybrid Warfare


Confirmed Speakers



For detailed information about the conference, pictures, interviews and video please visit


 Keywords: Insecurity, Security, Politics, International Relations, War, Order, International Organisations, Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, Social Security, Resilience, Hybrid Warfare, Conflict, Diplomacy


Our partners

Institute for Democracy 21


The Institute for Democracy 21 is an international organisation for applied research in the area of public choice, founded in 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic. We are a team of data analysts, political scientists and communication experts, working on alternative voting systems for consensual group decisions. We at the Institute join those progressive voices who warn that democracy in its current form is in crisis; from the rise of populism to low participation in elections.

Our flagship project to day, is Prezident 21 (P21), a real-time online game, simulating the 2018 Czech presidential election. You can find out more about the game, and cast your own multi-vote, here.

British Embassy Prague

Norwegian Embassy Prague

Swedish Embassy Prague

German Embassy Prague

Italian Embassy Prague

Austrian Embassy Prague

French Embassy Prague

Finnish Embassy Prague

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

VR Musashi

Pavel Kopp Production
