
17.03.2020 |
ÚMV odkládá veřejné akce
Ve světle současných událostí ÚMV odkládá všechny naplánované akce. O termínech jejich konání Vás budeme průběžně informovat.
13.03.2020 | Mark Galeotti
Time to Exist and Resist: The European Union and Russian Political War
Mark Galeotti, Senior Nonresident Fellow of the Institute of International Relations, published a new Policy Paper about the political war between the European Union and Russia.
09.03.2020 |
The first issue of the Czech Journal of International Relations in 2020 is out
This time, all the contributions are in Czech: three peer-reviewed articles on the topics of political dimension of the Slovak National Uprising commemorations, racism in development cooperation, and introduction to feminist security studies as research agenda. The issue also includes six reviews on recently published titles.
CANCELLED: Republic of Conscience: Human Rights and Poetry
We regret to inform you that the lecture "Republic of Conscience: Human Rights and Modern Irish Poetry" that was supposed to take place on March 5th at the Institute of International Relations was cancelled due to organization reasons.
05.03.2020 | Daniel Šitera
Transition Redux: Global Warehousing in Europe’s Westernmost East
Daniel Šitera has just published chapter ´Transition Redux: Global Warehousing in Europe’s Westernmost East´ in an interdisciplinary volume on the Architecture of Logistics in Central and Eastern Europe.
26.02.2020 |
Kniha Marka Galeottiho v Českém rozhlase
Český rozhlas vydává podcast knihy Musíme si promluvit o Putinovi, jejíž autorem je jeden z nejvýznamnějších odborníků na současné Rusko a zároveň seniorní nerezidentní výzkumník ÚMV Mark Galeotti.
26.02.2020 | Jan Daniel
Kdo bude rekonstruovat válkou zničenou Sýrii?
Výzkumný pracovník Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů Jan Daniel napsal nový Policy Paper, zaměřený na humanitární a mezinárodně-politický rozměr diskuze o post-konfliktní obnově Sýrie.
26.02.2020 | Petr Kratochvíl
Petr Kratochvíl invited for a lecture series at the University of Cambridge
It is a great honour that Professor Petr Kratochvíl was invited to speak at the Cambridge Institute of Religion and International Studies, University of Cambridge. 
20.02.2020 | Jan Kovář
Who Governs in the Council? Determinants of Ministerial Participation in Council Meetings
Ministers of the member countries of the EU represent their countries in the Council of the EU. Nevertheless, the statistics show that on average only about 60 % of the ministers attend Council´s meetings. In the other cases they are represented by officers or diplomats. How to explain the cases in which the ministers attend the meetings of the Council in person and how to explain those in which they are represented?
07.02.2020 | Andreas Umland
Decentralization in Ukraine: Implications and Challanges
Andreas Umland, Senior Nonresident Fellow of the Institute of International Relations, together with Valentyna Romanova, Senior Consultant at the Department of Regional Policy, published two Research Papers about decentralization in Ukrainian politics.

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