
07.11.2019 | Elena Zhirukhina
In-between domestic terrorism, al-Qaeda, and ISIS...
Elena Zhirukhina in her chapter "In-between domestic terrorism, al-Qaeda, and ISIS, or how Russia sees prospects of security cooperation with the EU" explores that how security cooperation is portrayed publicly indicates the message one actor wants its counterpart to receive. Public discourse following terrorist attacks, inter alia, constitutes a great resource for promoting a state’s agenda utilizing an emerged international attention.
01.11.2019 |
Call for Application: EU NPDC Internship at the IIR
The Institute of International Relations Prague (IIR) has been the leading academic institution for the study of international relations in the Czech Republic since 1957. An active member of international research networks, the Institute’s mission is to conduct excellent academic research in the field of international relations and other related disciplines.
30.10.2019 | Benjamin Tallis
An International Politics of 'Czech' Architecture
Why look to international politics if you want to understand architecture? Taking examples from the late Habsburg era to the present.
30.10.2019 | Elena Zhirukina
Foreign Fighters from Central Asia: Between Renunciation and Repatriation
Central Asia represents the third biggest source of foreign fighters to Iraq and Syria. Facing the need to deal with returnees - foreign fighters and their associates, the Central Asian states transitioned from taking a peremptory position of no return and citizenship deprivation for those who travelled to the war zones to providing an active assistance in bringing them back, domestically prosecuting or rehabilitating them. This commentary outlines adopted polices and addressing dilemma of hard and soft approaches to this matter.
24.10.2019 | Alica Kizeková
"30 Years Since the Fall of the Iron Curtain" event in Ljubljana
Our colleague Alica Kizekova represented the Institute at the conference "30 Years Since the Fall of the Iron Curtain" in Ljubljana on 17 October 2019.  The event was organised by the Embassy of the Czech Republic and the Embassy of the Slovak Republic and took place in the House of the European Union in the Slovene capital. The conference focused on the integration of the Central European countries into the Euro-Atlantic structures, geopolitical change of the Central European region in the past 30 years and the transition of the states and societies towards democracy and market economy. 
23.10.2019 | Tomáš Dopita
A new book on Kosovo features a chapter by IIR´s Senior Researcher Tomas Dopita
We are proud to announce that our colleague Tomáš Dopita is the author of the chapter analysing the Czech attitudes towards Kosovo in the new essential read „The Politics of Recognition and Engagement: EU Member State Relations with Kosovo“.
21.10.2019 | Veronika Bílková
Veronika Bílková Co-authored the Opinion on the Istanbul Convention
On 11 October 2019, the European Commission for Democracy Through Law of the Council of Europe, conventionally known as the Venice Commission, adopted the Opinion on the Constitutional Implications of the Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention).
08.10.2019 | Tomáš Profant
Excluding the Radical Economic Left from the Slovak Public Discourse
It is hard to disagree with T. G. Masaryk's assertion that democracy is a discussion. But the question remains: what discussion? Research of Tomáš Profant discusses how one Slovak television debate excludes radical left-wing economic attitudes, thus damaging Slovak democracy.
03.10.2019 | Benjamin Tallis
Still liberal after all These Years?
What will European Security look like in 2030? Will the EU still be a liberal actor despite multiple challenges at home and abroad? Benjamin Tallis, Inger-Luise Heilmann and An Jacobs' projection of Europe's future security shows what the EU and its members need to do to maintain their liberal identity. Their scenario appears in a high-profile publication in the prestigious LSE Ideas series which brought together scholars and practitioners from around Europe to imagine future challenges and solutions to them.
27.09.2019 | Pavel Havlíček
10 Years of Eastern Partnership: From Prague to Brussels and How to Proceed?
The Eastern Partnership (EaP) policy celebrated its 10th anniversary during the sixth high-level conference in Brussels in May 2019 and it is now undergoing a process of strategic reflection on its future.

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Uroš Svete, Damijan Guštin, Janja Vuga, Rok Zupančič, Jelena Juvan

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