Tamás Lattmann: Better Protection of the Rule of Law – or of European Taxpayers’ Money

Tamás Lattmann, senior researcher at Center for International Law, wrote a reflection concerning European Parliament’s proposed regulation which aims for better protection of the rule of law in EU member states and suggests employing financial sanctions in case of shortcomings.

The rule of law holds great importance to the EU, as it also should to its member states and improving its protection has become a focus of new legislative efforts. Will this proposed regulation be useful and effective tool added to EU’s legislation or will it do the opposite and hurt the member state governments? The author focuses on already existing procedures and their deficiencies and compares them to the current proposal while also shedding light on the background of the new legislation. The reflection addresses some of the questions that may be raised related to EU law, member state sovereignty and its possible effects. The regulation still has a long way to go to become a law and in or order for that to happen it needs to be accepted by the Council. The author lists potential scenarios that could occur in the process of the law’s adoption and explains the legislative procedures.

The whole text is available for you to read here.

