Dr Federica Cristani, seniorní výzkumná pracovnice
e-mail cristani(at)iir.cz
Další informace
Federica Cristani je seniorní výzkumnou pracovnicí v Centru mezinárodního práva. Je držitelkou titulu PhD (s certifikátem Doctor Europaeus) v oboru mezinárodního práva a práva na University of Verona (IT). Dříve působila jako postdoc na World Trade Institute na univerzitě v Bernu (CH) a na univerzitě ve Veroně a byla hostující vědeckou pracovnicí na mnoha univerzitách a výzkumných střediscích ve Finsku, Maďarsku, na Slovensku, v Německu, Dánsku, ve Velké Británii a USA. Působila jako docentka v Bologni (IT) a hostující lektorka v Budapešti (HU), Bratislavě (SK) a Charkově (Ukrajina). Mezi její hlavní výzkumné zájmy patří mezinárodní ekonomické právo, politika subregionálních skupin v Evropě a mezinárodní právo v kyberprostoru. Je spolupředsedkyní koordinační komise zájmové skupiny pro mezinárodní ekonomické právo Evropské společnosti pro mezinárodní právo (ESIL).
Výběr publikací
- The Necessity Defence in Investment Arbitration. An International Investment Law Perspective (KDP - Independently published, 2020) – ISBN 979-8673510063.
- Co-edited with A. Tanzi, International Investment Law and Arbitration. An Introductory Casebook (Padova: CEDAM, 2013) – ISBN 978-88-13-00000-0.
- “Right to privacy and data protection during the coronavirus crisis: the debate over the use of tracking apps in Italy” , in S. Kirchner (ed.), Governing the Crisis: Law, Human Rights and COVID-19, Reihe: Recht. Forschung und Wissenschaft, Volume 12 (Münster, LIT, 2021 forthcoming);
- - with Stefan Kirchner, “Introduction: from health crisis to human rights crisis”, in S. Kirchner (ed.), Governing the Crisis: Law, Human Rights and COVID-19, Reihe: Recht. Forschung und Wissenschaft, Volume 12 (Münster, LIT, 2021 forthcoming);
- “The Role of Sub-Regional Systems in Shaping International Investment Law-making: The Case of the Visegrád Group”, in C. Titi (ed.), Public Actors in International Investment Law. European Yearbook of International Economic Law (Heidelberg: Springer, 2021), 135-153, available as open access at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58916-5_8;
- with Elisa Fornalé and Sandra Lavenex, “Environmental migration at the regional level”, in T. Krieger, D. Panke, M. Pregernig (eds.), Environmental Conflicts, Migration and Governance (Bristol, Bristol University Press, 2020), 137-156;
- (as only Author for the original English version; translation in Ukrainian provided by A.O. Cherviatsova) ‘Інвестиційна політика ЄС після Лісабонського договору’ в: Засади права ЄС (за ред. Проф.Т.Л.Сироїд; координатор проекту А.О.Червяцова): ХНУ імені В.Н.Каразіна, Харьків (2018 у друці) / “The EU International Investment Policy after the Lisbon Treaty”, in T.E. Syroed (ed., project’s coordinator: A.O. Cherviatsova), Introduction to the EU Law (V.N.Karazin KhNU, Kharkiv, 2018);
- “International Economic Law and Conflict Resolution: the West Bank between Dominium, Land Ownership and Land Grabbing”, in M. Nicolini, F. Palermo, E. Milano (eds.), Law, Territory and Conflict Resolution. Law as a Problem and Law as a Solution (Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff, 2016), 316-345;
- “Dispute Settlement Clauses in International Investment Treaties and Free Trade Agreements Concluded by Latin American Countries”, in A. Tanzi, P. Turrini, A. Asteriti, R. Polanco (eds.), International Investment Law in Latin America / Derecho Internacional de las Inversiones en América Latina – Problems and Prospects / Problemas y Perspectivas (Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff, 2016), 159-206;
- “The European Court of Justice and the Protection of Social Rights: Which Role for the European Committee of Social Rights”, in G. Guiglia, M. D’Amico (eds.), European Social Charter and the challenges of the XXI Century – La Charte Sociale Europeénne et les défis du XXI siècle (Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, 2014), 113-141;
- “The UN Security Council facing Financial and Economic Crises and the Role of the International Economic Organizations”, in M. Arcari, L. Balmond (eds.), La gouvernance globale face aux defis de la securité collective – Global Governance and the Challenges of Collective Security (Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, 2012), 271-306.
Odborné stati
- “Book Review. International Investment Law and Competition Law” ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal (2021, forthcoming).
- “Book Review to Charting the Water Regulatory Future. Issues, Challenges and Directions, edited by Julien Chaisse” 1 Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 2 (2017), 273-276.
- “The Investor-EU/Member State(s) Arbitration Mechanism after the Lisbon Treaty: Allocating Financial Responsibility between the EU and its Member States” 57 Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies – Acta Juridica Hungarica 2 (2016), 155–177.
- “Book Review to ‘The Right to Regulate in International Investment Law’ by Aikaterini Titi” 6 European Journal of Risk Regulation 2 (2015), 329-331.
- “Challenge and Disqualification of Arbitrators in International Investment Arbitration: an Overview” 13 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 2 (2014), 153-177.
- “The Sempra Annulment Decision of 29 June 2010 and Subsequent Developments in Investment Arbitration Dealing with the Necessity Defence” 15 International Community Law Review 2 (2013), 237-253.
Policy papery
- “Cybersecurity of foreign investment in the Visegrád Four (V4) countries: designing a governance model with(in) Europe” Think Visegrad Fellowship Policy Papers (2020), available at https://think.visegradfund.org/fellowship-papers