Pelin Ayan Musil, Ph.D.
Seniorní výzkumná pracovnice, Ústav mezinárodních vztahů
e-mail musil(zavinac)iir.cz
Další informace
- Zaměstnání
- Vzdělání
- Zahraniční studijní pobyty a stáže
- Pedagogická činnost
- Další profesní aktivity
- Jazyky
- Oblasti zájmu
- Publikace
- Publicistika, vybraná mediální vystoupení
- Výzkumné projekty
- Příspěvky na konferencích a vybrané semináře a odborné přednášky
∆ Zaměstnání
2020 - Present: Senior researcher at IIR Prague
January 2016 - Present: Senior Lecturer, School of International Relations and Diplomacy, Anglo-American University, Prague.
October 2011 - August 2018: Chair of the Department of Politics, School of International Relations and Diplomacy, Anglo-American University, Prague.
September 2010-December 2015: Lecturer, School of International Relations and Diplomacy, Anglo-American University, Prague.
February-June 2010: Adjunct Lecturer, Department of International Relations, Okan University, Istanbul.
September 2005 – October 2007: Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science, Bilkent University, Ankara.
Další pracovní zkušenosti
1 June 2019 – 1 July 2019: Visiting Scholar, Abbasi Islamic Studies Program, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
October 2007-August 2008: Fulbright Visiting Researcher, Department of Government, Georgetown University, Washington DC.
∆ Vzdělání
PHD, Bilkent University, Department of Political Science, 2009 - Ankara, Turkey
MA, Central European University, Department of Political Science, 2005 - Budapest, Hungary
BA, Marmara University, Department of Political Science and International Relations, 2004 - Istanbul, Turkey
∆ Zahraniční studijní pobyty, stáže a ocenění
Fulbright Scholarship Award, for research at the Department of Government at Georgetown University, 2007-2008
Recipient of PhD Scholarship, provided by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2006-2009
Teaching and Research Assistantship, provided by Bilkent University Department of Political Science, 2005-2007
Open Society Scholarship for Master’s Education at Central European University, 2004-2005
∆ Pedagogická činnost
Intro to Politics (BA), Anglo-American University
Comparative Politics (BA), Anglo-American University
Social Science Research Methods (BA), Anglo-American University
Democratization and Survival of Autocrats (MA), Anglo-American University
Political Parties and Party Systems (MA), Anglo-American University
Advanced (Qualitative) Research Methods (MA), Anglo-American University
EU-Turkey Debate (BA), University of Konstanz (Erasmus Exchange)
Introduction to Sociology (BA), Bilkent University (as Teaching Assistant)
∆ Další profesní aktivity
Reviewer in Journals: Politics and Religion, Government and Opposition, Democratization, Parliamentary Affairs, Comparative Politics, International Political Science Review, Political Research Quarterly, Party Politics, Qualitative Sociology, South European Society and Politics, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Turkish Studies, Insight Turkey, CEE New Perspectives, CEJISS, Acta Politologica
Article Editor for SAGE Open Reviewer for book manuscripts: Cambridge University Press, Palgrave Macmillan
Editorial Board Member: CEE New Perspectives, CEJISS
Členství v odborných organizacích
Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
Middle East Studies Association (MESA)
European Sociological Association (ESA)
Turkish Political Science Association (SITD)
∆ Jazyky
∆ Oblasti zájmu
Demokratizace a změny režimů
Strany a stranické systémy
Politizace ozbrojených skupin a jejich transformace
Radikalizace a moderování
Současné Turecko a Střední východ
Etnická a náboženská politika
Kvalitativní metodologie
∆ Publikace
- Sayari, Sabri, Pelin Ayan Musil, Özhan Demirkol (eds). 2018. Party politics in Turkey. A comparative perspective. London: Routledge.
- Ayan Musil, Pelin. 2011. Authoritarian party structures and democratic political setting in Turkey. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kapitoly knih
- Ayan Musil. P. and Ö. Demirkol. 2018. “Introduction” in S. Sayari, P. Ayan Musil, Ö. Demirkol (eds.), Party Politics in Turkey. A Comparative Perspective.
London: Routledge, pp. 1-9. - Ayan Musil, P. 2018. “Assessing the Level of Party Cartelization in Contemporary Turkey” in S. Sayari, P. Ayan Musil, O. Demirkol (eds.), Party Politics in Turkey. A Comparative Perspective. London: Routledge, pp. 80-97.
- (in Turkish) Ayan Musil, P. 2013. “Government Systems: Presidential and Parliamentary Systems” in S. Sayari and H. Dikici Bilgin (eds.), Comparative Politics, Istanbul Bilgi University Press, pp. 189-208.
- (in Turkish) Ayan Musil, P. 2015. “Nationalist Action Party: Ideology, Organization and Current Discourse” E. Bekaroglu (ed.) Parties and Campaigning during the 7-June-2015 Elections in Turkey. Istanbul: Vadi Press, pp. 159-186. This book won the prize of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) in 2014.
Odborné stati (impaktované a recenzované)
- Alexei Anisin and Pelin Ayan Musil, 2021. Protester-police fraternization in the 2013 Gezi Park uprisings, Social Movement Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2021.1884976. (WoS)
- Ayan Musil, P. and Vašenda, J. 2019. “Party Regulation in Turkey: A Comparison with Modern Europe” Turkish Studies. Doi: 10.1080/14683849.2018.1564623. (WoS)
- Ayan Musil, P. and Dikici Bilgin, H. 2016. “Types of outcomes in factional rivalries: lessons from non-democratic parties in Turkey,” International Political Science Review 37(2): 166-183. (WoS)
- Ayan Musil, P. 2015. “Emergence of a dominant party system after multipartism: Theoretical implications from the case of the AKP in Turkey,” South European Society and Politics, vol. 20 (1): 71-92. (WoS)**Re-printed as a book chapter in S. Verney, A. Bosco, S. Aydın-Düzgit (eds), The AKP Since Gezi Park: Moving to Regime Change in Turkey (Routledge, 2019).
- Kennedy, N.F., Senses N., Ayan, P. 2011. “Grasping the social through movies” Teaching in Higher Education, vol. 16 (1): 1-14. (WoS)
- Ayan, P. 2010. “Authoritarian party structures in Turkey: A Comparison of the Republican People’s Party and the Justice and Development Party” Turkish Studies, vol 11 (2): 197-215 (WoS)
- Ayan Musil, P. 2015. “Czech public opinion on Turkey’s accession to the EU: An analysis through the lenses of sociological and discursive institutionalism” New Perspectives 23(1): 71-96.
- Ayan Musil, P. 2015. “Epistemological diversity in social science graduate curriculum: The experience from an American college in Czech Republic” Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy, vol 5 (1): 47-57. (WoS)
- Ayan Musil, P. 2014. “Does antagonism precede agonism in challenging neoliberalism: The Gezi resistance in Turkey,” Acta Politologica, vol. 6 (3): 326- 342.
Výzkumné zprávy
- Public Portrayal of Turkey in Visegrad Countries. 2013. Co-editor with J. Mahfoud. Istanbul: Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM). Czech Republic, Public Portrayal of Turkey in Visegrad Countries (with J. Mahfoud), pp 71-85.
Ayan Musil, P. 2016. “Democracy and Islam in Indonesia by Mirjam Künkler and Alfred Stepan, Columbia University Press.” Democratization 23(6): 1092-93
Ayan Musil, P. 2015. “Zones of Rebellion by Aysegul Aydin and Cem Emrence, Cornell University Press.” International Affairs 91(5): 1182-84.
Jiné publikace (in progress)
Ayan Musil, P. “Moderation and de-moderation of the AKP in Turkey: Issue ownership theory as an explanatory framework” paper under review.
Ayan Musil, P. and Maze J. “Parties with Rebel Wings: Theoretical Lessons from the case of the pro-Kurdish parties in Turkey” paper under review.
Anisin A. and Ayan Musil P. "Civil Resistance and Military Defection in Modern Turkish Republic" paper under review.
Ayan Musil, P. and Rohac D. and Abramsky E. “The conceptual boundary between populist takeover and democratic recession” review article to be submitted soon.
Ayan Musil, P., M. Hudik and I. Iagrosso. “What matters more for electoral success? Populist ideology or new leaders?” paper in progress.
∆ Publicistika a vybraná mediální vystoupení
- Article ,I já jsem věřící, ale toto je příliš.“ Jak protesty na Bosporské univerzitě odhalily slabinu turecké vlády, Voxpot.cz, 26. 3. 2021.
- Article Spojení opozice proti populistickým vládám na periferii Evropy: Volby starostů v Budapešti a Istanbulu, Mezinárodní politika, 2/2020, ÚMV.
- Article Turecko přilévá olej do ohně v dalším konfliktu: Severní Kypr ovládl Erdoganův spojenec. Voxpot, 17. 11. 2020.
- Boj o Středomoří: EU i NATO řeší „turecké dilema“, Euractiv, 27. 8. 2020.
- Mentioned in "Turecká vláda má v strednej Európe najbližších spojencov v Budapešti." Euractiv.sk, 1.6. 2020.
- Speaker in a seminar titled '(Semi-)Authoritarian Regimes and Their Legitimacy Claims in the CEE: The Case of Turkey,' organized by Euroactiv.sk, 15 May 2020.
- Mentioned in "Turecká opozícia má potenciál podkopať Erdoğanov režim", Euractiv.sk, 20.05.2020.
- Article "Parties with a history of secessionist violence: what does their electoral success mean for peace and democracy?" openDemocracy, 10 March 2020.
- Mentioned in “Erdoganova vláda odvolala tri starosty a zatkla stovky lidí”, Seznam Zpravy, 19 August 2019.
- Interview Respondent, “Turkey’s Foreign Policy toward the US, Russia and the EU,” TV Program, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (Kyrgyz Service broadcaster), 5 September 2018.
- Interview Respondent, “Turkey’s Intervention in Afrin,” TV Program, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (Kyrgyz Service broadcaster), 24 January 2018.
- Interview Respondent, “Constitutional Referendum in Turkey,” TV Program, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (Kyrgyz Service broadcaster), 19 April 2017.
- Interview Respondent (in Czech), “Základem turecké komunity v Praze jsou lidé ze středního stavu (The Turkish community living in Prague is middleclass)” Prazsky Denik (Prague Daily), 12 July 2017.
- Interview Respondent, “Democracy in Turkey,” in Democracy Contested: China, Central Asia and the Middle East, pp. 15-20. Publication of the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 2016.
- Interview Respondent, “AAU talks perceptions of Turkey among EU nations.” The Prague Post (School & Education, pp.2-3), 7-13 November, 2012.
∆ Výzkumné projekty
Principal Investigator, Democratic Recessions In the Post-Communist and Muslim World: An Institutional Approach, funded by the Czech Science Foundation - GAČR, 2019-2021.
Principal Investigator, Transformation of Islamist Parties: Evidence from Turkey, funded by the Czech Science Foundation – GAČR, 2018-2019.
Principal Investigator, Public Portrayal of Turkey in Visegrad Countries, funded by the International Visegrad Fund, 2012-2013.
Internal Grants, provided by Anglo-American University, 2013-2014-2015.
- Theoretical implications of an emerging dominant party system in Turkey
- Comparing factional conflicts in Turkish political parties
- Party regulation in Turkey: a comparison with modern Europe
Junior Researcher, Local Party Activists and Party Organizations in Turkey, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey – TÜBİTAK, 2006-2007.
∆ Příspěvky na konferencích a vybrané semináře a odborné přednášky
- Panel speaker, “Moderation in ideology, immoderation in tactics: the hybrid transformation of the pro-Kurdish movement in Turkey” Public Conference on Religion and State Ideology in the Middle East and Asia, Oriental Institute (CAS), Prague, 11 November 2019.
- Speaker, “Moderation and de-moderation of the AKP in Turkey: Issue ownership theory as an explanatory framework” Seminar Talk at the Department of International Relations, Isık University, Istanbul, 15 May 2019.
- Panel chair and discussant, “Human Rights and Middle Eastern History,” Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Rights, Anglo-American University and Norwich University, Prague, 7-9 March 2019.
- Speaker, “What Went Wrong with the Theories of Moderation and What does the AKP Case Show Us?” Seminar Talk at the Institute of International Relations, Prague, 27 February 2019.
- Discussion leader, “The Value of Populism” Professors in the Pub Debate, Anglo-American University, Prague, 21 February 2019.
- Presented Paper, Ayan Musil, P. and J. Maze, “Moderation in ideology but immoderation in tactics: Understanding the hybrid transformation of the pro-Kurdish parties in Turkey,” MESA Annual Conference, November 2019, New Orleans, USA and MPSA Annual Conference, April 2020, Chicago, USA
- Presented Paper, Ayan Musil, P. “What went wrong with the theories of moderation and what does the AKP case show us?” MESA Annual Conference, November 2019, New Orleans, USA and ESA Annual Conference, August 2019, Manchester, UK.
- Presented Paper, Ayan Musil, P., M. Hudik and I. Iagrosso. “What matters more for the rise of the populist parties? Ideology or new leaders? A comparison of Italy and Turkey,” Prague Populism Conference, May 2019, Prague, Czech Republic and MPSA Annual Conference, April 2020, Chicago, USA.
- Speaker, “Populist parties: How they challenge the democratic order in Europe.” Roundtable organized by the CEA Study Abroad in Prague on The Rise of Populism in Central Europe, Globally and its Impact on Education Abroad, Prague, 17 October 2018.
- Panel chair and discussant, “Turkey: Populism or Authoritarianism?” 4th Prague Populism Conference, organized by Charles University and the Goethe Institute, Prague, 21-22 May 2018.
- Roundtable participant, “Defending Democracy and Underwriting the Transatlantic Partnership,” Expert roundtable organized by Center for American Progress and American Enterprise Institute, Anglo-American University, Prague 19-20 February 2018.
- Presented Paper, Ayan Musil, P. “Moderation and De-Moderation of the Islamists and the Role of the State in Turkey” ECPR Annual Convention, September 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
- Presented Paper, Ayan Musil, P. and M. Hudik “Moderation and De-moderation of Islamist Parties: The case of the AKP in Turkey” Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), April 2018, Chicago IL, USA
- Presented Paper, Ayan Musil P. and Ö. Demirkol “Democratic Breakdown in Turkey: Dominant Party Politics or a Three Party Cartel?” Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), April 2018, Chicago IL, USA
- Panel speaker, "The Turkish Political Parties and the Army" International Conference on Contrasted (R)evolutions in Egypt and Turkey: The Role of the Armed Forces, Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, 8-9 June 2017.
- Discussion leader, “The Kurds and Shifting Borders in the Middle East” Professors in the Pub Debate, Anglo-American University, Prague, 11 May 2017.
- Panel chair and discussant, "Islamophobia in Central and Eastern Europe: Imported Discourses, Local Concerns" International Conference on Talking about “Arabs”. Echoes from different Europes, Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, 27-28 May 2016.
- Panel speaker, "The Islamists, the Kurds and New Alliances After the Coup Attempt in Turkey" International Conference on Democratic Transformation in Post- Conflict Societies: Path to Ensured Success? Charles University, Prague, 26-27 September 2016.
- Presented Paper, Ayan Musil P. “Comparing the Ideological Transformation of Anti-system Parties in Turkey: What explains the different paths?” ECPR Annual Convention, Prague September 2016.
- Presented Paper, Ayan Musil P. “Party Regulation in Turkey: A Comparison with Modern Europe.” 15th Annual Convention of the European Sociological Association, Prague, August 2015.
- Panel speaker, “Comparing Turkey and Hungary on their Path to Illiberal Democracy,” Workshop organized by the Hungarian-Europe Society, Budapest, 24 April 2015.
- Party Statization in Turkey: A Comparison with Consolidated Democracies. World Congress on Middle Eastern Studies, August 2014, Ankara, Turkey.
- Presented Paper, The Impact of Diverse Epistemological Positions on Student Learning. Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), April 2014, Chicago IL, USA.
- Presented Paper, Media Portrayals and Existing Social Norms in Constructing Public Opinion, Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), April 2014, Chicago IL, USA.
- Presenter, “Factional Splits in Proto-Hegemonic Mass Parties” Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 9 October 2014.
- Presented Paper, Does Antagonism Precede Agonism in Challenging the Neoliberal Order. Democracy in Times of Crisis, International Conference organized by Charles University, November 2013, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Presented Paper, Explaining the Change from Multi-Party to Dominant Party Politics. Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), April 2012, Chicago IL, USA.
- Presented Paper, (with H.Dikici-Bilgin) Party Splits and Leadership Removal: A Puzzle on the Direction of Causality. Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), April 2012, Chicago IL, USA.
- Presented Paper, The Case of the Constitutional Change in Turkey: Democratization or Party System Cartelization? Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), April 2011, Chicago IL, USA.
- Panel speaker, “Islam, Democracy and the Middle East—Can Turkey lead the Way?” Panel Discussion on Arab Spring, organized by Anglo-American University, Prague, 7 February 2011.
- Presented Paper, Theorizing Party Structures in Developing Democracies. International Studies Association (ISA), February 2010, New Orleans, USA The Variance in Party Authoritarianism: Actors Matter. World Congress on Political Science (IPSA), July 2009, Santiago, Chile.
- Presented Paper, Party Authoritarianism vs. Party Democracy ECPR Workshop 19th Joint Sessions, April 2009, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Presented Paper, A Principal-Agent Approach to Party Governance. Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), April 2009, Chicago IL, USA.
- Presented Paper, The Effects of Intra-party Democracy Revisited – The Case of Turkey. University of Brighton, 3rd Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference “What’s the Big Deal About Democracy?” September 2008, Brighton, UK.