International Symposium
The International Symposium "Czech Foreign Policy" is, as its name suggests, a conference focusing on different aspects of the Czech foreign policy from the point of view of different fields of research. It strives to bring together specialists, politicians, academicians, the public and the media to enable a broad exchange of ideas and experience. The intellectual interaction of academicians and politicians is one of the core benefits of the event, which has, throughout the years, gained the respect of both the research community and other groups of interest. The Symposium as such is an evolving event that is open to new ideas, welcoming bright minds from around the world, although its main focus is on the Czech foreign policy and its neighbourhood. On the following page we attempt to present to you the work which has been done so far and introduce the core ideas presented at the event.
12th International Symposium "Czech Foreign Policy"
11th International Symposium "Czech Foreign Policy"
10th International Symposium "Czech Foreign Policy"
9th International Symposium “Czech Foreign Policy”
8th International Symposium “Czech Foreign Policy”
Why is this event unique in Central Europe?
7th International Symposium 23. - 24. 9. 2015 (including videos)
Speech of minister Lubomír Zaorálek (in Czech)
5th International Symposium “Czech Foreign Policy”
Video: Democratic Progress vs. Regression: Two US Views
Tuesday English Summary of the Czech Pannels
4th International Symposium “Czech Foreign Policy” (mostly Czech materials)
Video: Best of: Bělohradský, Barša, Drulák, Joch, Pick - intelektuální reflexe
Video: Best of: Šedivý, Kavan, Svoboda - Tři bývalí ministři zahraničí
3rd Symposium “Czech Foreign Policy” (mostly Czech materials)
2nd Symposium “Czech Foreign Policy” (mostly Czech materials)
Video: Roundtable: Czech Foreign Policy 2007-2009
Video: Central Europe in the New U.S. Foreign Policy - Robert Jervis, Rick Fawn
1st Symposium “Czech Foreign Policy” (mostly Czech materials)