
19.10.2020 | Asya Metodieva
Border Control and Invisible Threats. Does the Closures of Borders in Europe Stop COVID-19?
Border control was introduced in Europe as an emergency response to the pandemic between March and May 2020. Following a process of re-opening, countries apply restrictions depending on national risk analyses, as well as individual political and economic interests. Quarantine and testing rules have been adopted across member states in various combinations. However, the rapidly changing situation and the lack of adequate risk assessments have proven these measures to be irrational in some cases.
30.09.2020 |
The Institute of International Relations is announcing new job vacancies. You can find the complete list below.
21.09.2020 | Lukáš Tichý
Vnější energetické vztahy Evropské unie a koncept energetického aktérství
Výzkumník Lukáš Tichý a jeho nová kniha s názvem Vnější energetické vztahy Evropské unie a koncept energetického aktérství se věnuje vnitřní i vnější dimenzi energetické politiky Evropské unie. Přináší příklady energetického aktérství EU cíleného dovnitř, vůči členskému státu, především však ve vztahu ke stávajícím i potenciálním energetickým dodavatelům. Zabývá se také vztahy EU s Ruskem, USA, státy Blízkého východu či severní a subsaharskou Afrikou.
21.09.2020 | Ondřej Ditrych
The Evolution of International Drug Control under the United Nations.
Our director Ondřej Ditrych and political scientist Constanza Sanchéz-Avilés contributed with their chapter The Evolution of International Drug Control under the United Nations in the new Research Handbook on International Drug Policy.
How Does Identity Relate to Attitudes Towards Differentiation?
A new policy paper of our researchers Jan Kovář and Petr Kratochvíl just came out! It was written with a cooperation of Senem Aydın-Düzgit and under EU Integration and Differentiation for Effectiveness and Accountability (EUIDEA). The paper is called "How Does Identity Relate to Attitudes Towards Differentiation? The Cases of France, Germany, Czech Republic and Turkey" and focuses on the ways in which national identities shape attitudes towards differentiated integration.
10.09.2020 |
Call for Application: EU NPDC Internship at the IIR
The Institute of International Relations Prague (IIR) has been the leading academic institution for the study of international relations in the Czech Republic since 1957. An active member of international research networks, the Institute’s mission is to conduct excellent academic research in the field of international relations and other related disciplines.
10.09.2020 | Tomáš Profant
Mitigating the COVID-19 effect: Emergency economic policy-making in Central Europe
Our researcher Tomáš Profant co-authored the paper Mitigating the COVID-19 effect: Emergency economic policy-making in Central Europe which explores the economic response of the central European governments to the Corona crisis.
03.09.2020 |
The September issue of Czech Journal of International Relations is out
Dear readers, the September issue of the Czech Journal of International Relations is out. This time, all the four peer-reviewed contributions are in Czech. You can expect a wide range of interesting articles on internal characteristics of de facto states, interpretation of Al-Shabaab strategy through the lenses of liquid territoriality, inquiry into motivations of some of Taiwan’s former allies to newly recognize China, and finally analysis of the European Union as an energy actor. The issue further features a discussion forum on racism in development cooperation that reacts to an article from the March issue of our journal (1/2020).Finally, you can look forward to three reviews of recently published titles. We wish you pleasant reading!
31.08.2020 |
Výběrové řízení – stážisté na Prague European Summit 2020
Zajímáte se o záležitosti Evropské unie? Chcete pracovat v mezinárodním týmu a získat zkušenost z organizace akce na nejvyšší politické úrovni? Přihlaste se do 20. září a načerpejte jedinečné zkušenosti při organizaci této konference.
31.08.2020 | Lukáš Tichý
Lukáš Tichý joined the Scientific Board of the journal “Energy Policy Studies”
We are pleased to announce that our researcher Lukáš Tichý, Ph.D. has joined the Scientific Board of the journal “Energy Policy Studies”.

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