Japan and the Visegrad 4: The Unsensational Strategic Partners
Our Senior Researcher Rudolf Fürst published a new Policy Paper. This paper points out to the convergence between the Visegrad 4 and Japan that is driven by economic concerns and shared views on global political challenges. It also discusses the potential and real prospects of Japan’s rising interest in the V4 group.
Our Senior Researcher Rudolf Fürst published a new Policy Paper. This paper points out to the convergence between the Visegrad 4 and Japan that is driven by economic concerns and shared views on global political challenges. It also discusses the potential and real prospects of Japan’s rising interest in the V4 group.
Expertise To Impact - IIR's New Motto
The IIR has been the leading academic institution for the study of international relations for more than six decades. Last September, we have introduced a brand new visual style of the Institute. Now, it is our pleasure to present a new slogan of the Institute of International Relations
The IIR has been the leading academic institution for the study of international relations for more than six decades. Last September, we have introduced a brand new visual style of the Institute. Now, it is our pleasure to present a new slogan of the Institute of International Relations
Právě vyšla kniha Za hranice kapitalismu
Naši tři výzkumníci se podíleli na publikaci nové knihy Za hranice kapitalismu. Kniha je závěrečným výstupem Semináře politické ekonomie, který probíhal na půdě Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů po několik let. Jeho spolueditorem je také náš bývalý kolega Pavel Barša a přispěli do něj hned tři výzkumníci Centra globální politické ekonomie ÚMV. Kniha poskytuje různé pohledy na mnohé výzvy současného kapitalismu, jako je klimatická, finanční, či demokratická krize.
Naši tři výzkumníci se podíleli na publikaci nové knihy Za hranice kapitalismu. Kniha je závěrečným výstupem Semináře politické ekonomie, který probíhal na půdě Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů po několik let. Jeho spolueditorem je také náš bývalý kolega Pavel Barša a přispěli do něj hned tři výzkumníci Centra globální politické ekonomie ÚMV. Kniha poskytuje různé pohledy na mnohé výzvy současného kapitalismu, jako je klimatická, finanční, či demokratická krize.
TEPSA Debate: “COVID-19 Response vs. Rule of Law”
Will “emergency” steps inflict longer-term damage on the division of powers in Poland, Hungary, Turkey and the UK? Does the EU play a relevant role in discouraging or correcting breaches to the rule of law?
Will “emergency” steps inflict longer-term damage on the division of powers in Poland, Hungary, Turkey and the UK? Does the EU play a relevant role in discouraging or correcting breaches to the rule of law?
12.05.2020 | Ondřej Ditrych
The Logic of Strategic Inhumanity and the Cost of Publicism
In the new essay for New Perspectives, Ondrej Ditrych discusses the argument of Matthew Kroenig's The Logic of American Nuclear Strategy.
In the new essay for New Perspectives, Ondrej Ditrych discusses the argument of Matthew Kroenig's The Logic of American Nuclear Strategy.
Call for Papers for a Special Issue: Coronavirus and the Future of Liberalism
Czech Journal of International Relations seeks a contributor for a Special Issue, which will focus on comparing the liberal and illiberal reactions to the pandemic.
Czech Journal of International Relations seeks a contributor for a Special Issue, which will focus on comparing the liberal and illiberal reactions to the pandemic.
COVID-19, Border Closures, and International Law
Our Senior Researcher Bríd Ní Ghráinne published a new reflection about the coronavirus. In her work, she focuses on the restrictions applied by counties due to the epidemic and comments on them from a human rights point of view.
Our Senior Researcher Bríd Ní Ghráinne published a new reflection about the coronavirus. In her work, she focuses on the restrictions applied by counties due to the epidemic and comments on them from a human rights point of view.
30.04.2020 | Rudolf Fürst
Czechia: Covid-19 puts China at centre of increasingly divisive national debate
China has been providing medical supplies and support to many European states affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Chinese “face-mask” diplomacy launched the new PR offensive in Europe in order to improve its international, as well as domestic image. How the Euro-Chinese bilateral relations have been affected by the Covid-19 crises? And how far is the Czech case comparable and specific within the whole European context?
China has been providing medical supplies and support to many European states affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Chinese “face-mask” diplomacy launched the new PR offensive in Europe in order to improve its international, as well as domestic image. How the Euro-Chinese bilateral relations have been affected by the Covid-19 crises? And how far is the Czech case comparable and specific within the whole European context?
ÚMV v době pandemie
Ani v této době naši výzkumníci nepolevují v úsilí reagovat na aktuální problémy, se kterými se společnost globálně potýká. Přinášíme souhrn našich článků a výstupů, které se věnují problematice současné pandemie.
Ani v této době naši výzkumníci nepolevují v úsilí reagovat na aktuální problémy, se kterými se společnost globálně potýká. Přinášíme souhrn našich článků a výstupů, které se věnují problematice současné pandemie.
23.04.2020 | Jan Kovář
Czech Republic: political elites and citizens view EU cooperation with scepticism
The European Policy Institutes Network has published a report on the various responses to the Covid-19 crisis and how EU cooperation was perceived in the respective national context.
The European Policy Institutes Network has published a report on the various responses to the Covid-19 crisis and how EU cooperation was perceived in the respective national context.
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Tomáš Profant
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Lebanon and Iraq: fragility of the protest movements
Between 2019 and 2020, protests have...
Between 2019 and 2020, protests have...
Elisa Marra
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