Policy papers

13.03.2020 |
Time to Exist and Resist: the European Union and Russian Political War
Mark Galeotti, Senior Nonresident Fellow of the Institute of International Relations, published a new Policy Paper about the political war between the European Union and Russia.
26.02.2020 | Jan Daniel
Kdo bude rekonstruovat válkou zničenou Sýrii?
Výzkumný pracovník Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů Jan Daniel napsal nový Policy Paper, zaměřený na humanitární a mezinárodně-politický rozměr diskuze o post-konfliktní obnově Sýrie.
The Visegrád Four and the Security of NATO’s “Eastern Flank”
Eoin Micheál McNamara in his Policy Paper called The Visegrád Four and the Security of NATO’s “Eastern Flank” expresses the argument that there is considerable scope for the V4 states to improve their contribution to NATO’s collective defence posture. Based on this fact, he argues the different strategic positions of each V4 member within the NATO membership related to Russian influence.
Syřané v Turecku: Neudržitelný rozvoj?
Policy paper Kristýny Kučerové se zaměřuje na druhou vlnu projektů financovaných skrze tzv. nástroj EU pro uprchlíky v Turecku. Jak se na situaci Syřanů v Turecku podepsala ekonomická krize v zemi a místní volby? Jsou reálné návraty uprchlíků do Sýrie, zvláště v kontextu aktuální turecké intervence? A jak se projekty vypořádávají s nestabilitou v zemi i jejím okolí?
Kick-Starting Cosmopolitan Governance Through Science: The Case of a Giant Laser System
Nikola Schmidt and Ondřej Ditrych in their Policy Paper titled "Kick-Starting Cosmopolitan Governance Through Science: The Case of a Giant Laser System" propose a novel perspective on how large technical systems can enable global governance. The authors suggest that technologies may even become integrated into a political strategy seeking to develop more inclusive cosmopolitan governance.
28.11.2019 | Matúš Halás
A Global Arms Control Regime on Short- and Medium-Range Missiles
The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which resolved the crisis in the 80s between East-West relations, limiting ground-launched delivery vehicles with a range between 500 and 5,500 km, ceased to be a valid international law document since August 2019 between the United States and the Russia Federation. Matúš Halás, Head of Center for European Security (IIR), illustrated in his Policy Paper titled "A Global Arms Control Regime on Short and Medium-Range Missiles" the example of a possible global regime limiting the development and deployment of ground-launched short- and medium-range ballistic and cruise missiles.
27.11.2019 | Miroslav Tůma
The Importance of Verification and Transparency in the Nuclear-Arms Control
Miroslav Tůma in his  new Policy Paper titled "The Importance of Verification and Transparency in the Nuclear-Arms Control, Nonproliferation and Disarmament Process" explained how monitoring and verification procedure associated with the nuclear-arms control, nonproliferation and disarmament process is nowadays important, especially in the sphere between US and Russia, which posses 90% of nuclear weapons all over the world. The author also analysed the development of the verification procedure in this field and its future curse.
12.11.2019 |
The European Union in Central Asia: Balancing Competing Actors and Opportunities for the V4 Countries
Alica Kizeková, PhD., researcher at the IIR, published a policy paper within the framework of a platform Think Visegrad, which deals with the strategy of European Union in Central Asia and the opportunities for the states of Visegrád Group.
27.09.2019 | Pavel Havlíček
10 Years of Eastern Partnership: From Prague to Brussels and How to Proceed?
The Eastern Partnership (EaP) policy celebrated its 10th anniversary during the sixth high-level conference in Brussels in May 2019 and it is now undergoing a process of strategic reflection on its future.
17.04.2019 | Veronika Bílková
Globální kompakty o migraci a uprchlictví
Veronika Bílková se ve svém nejnovějším policy paperu věnuje tématu dvou globálních kompaktů o migraci a uprchlictví, které byly přijaty v rámci OSN v prosinci roku 2018.

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