Mezinárodní politika 6/2015 - Turecko

27.07.2015 | Seda Karaman
Elections 2015: Trial For Democracy in Turkey
The election which would be held in 7 June 2015 was one of the most meaningful elections during the recent years for Turkey. On one hand, political parties were concentrating on their comprehensive election campaigns. While the opposition parties were trying to find out the solutions to conclude AKP’s rulership which has been continuing for 13 years, the promises of AKP’s election campaign were not aiming to come to power alone.
23.06.2015 | Tomáš Laně
Erdoğanův stín nad tureckou zahraniční politikou
Turecko od roku 2002 postupně ovládla islamistická Strana spravedlnosti a rozvoje (AKP), jejímž vůdcem je Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Jak strana ve dvou následujících volbách v letech 2007 a 2011 získávala stále větší parlamentní převahu, upevňoval nad ní a nad celým státem Erdoğan svoji moc. Jeho původní vstřícný postoj k Evropské unii se změnil v nepřátelství a mnohdy až zesměšňování jejích představitelů.
19.06.2015 | Emil Souleimanov
Turkey, Armenia, and the Politics of Genocide Recognition
April 24th marked the centennial of what many have referred to as the first genocide of the 20th century. The anniversary of the tragic events in eastern Anatolia that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of predominantly ethnic-Armenian subjects of the Ottoman Empire sparked renewed interest in the historical circumstances of the massacres which the Turkish authorities have refused to acknowledge as an act of genocide.
15.06.2015 | Levent Köker
Erdoğan’s presidency and the Constitution
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, former Turkish prime minister and leader of the ruling AK Party, has now become the 12th president of Turkey and the first elected by direct popular vote since the republic’s inception in 1923. As emphasized by Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, the joint presidential candidate of the opposition CHP and MHP, the electorate was not simply required to choose between candidates, but between a parliamentary or presidential system.
09.06.2015 | Marek Čejka
Turecké volby 2015: konec dominance AKP?
Parlamentní volby, které se konaly v Turecku letošního 7. června, byly do značné míry referendem o politickém kurzu, který nastolila Strana spravedlnosti a rozvoje (AKP) ztělesněná současným tureckým prezidentem a bývalým premiérem Recepem Tayyipem Erdoğanem. Tento politik i jeho strana byly původně v Turecku široce velmi populární, což souviselo mj. s posilováním turecké ekonomiky a nárůstem politického vlivu a sebevědomí Turecka.


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